A course that is alive and breathing...

Become a 
the WRITE way

Learn how to cut through the noise and build a LinkedIn network of 10,000 diverse professionals for career and lifestyle success.

Use expressive writing to develop a deep voice for connecting with anyone at the human level.

Master the art of owning your support community to grow as a person and professional - a great way to positively impact an organization's bottom line.
Write your awesome label here.


To inspire you to write LinkedIn posts which are short format pieces that are roughly 3,000 characters or 500 words.


To provide you with opportunities to research various industry sectors and connect with diverse professionals.


To encourage you to read posts with intention by going deeper through the content in search of meaning and comprehension.


To enhance your knowledge with new information and different perspectives to maintain curiosity and spark creativity.
Course Syllabus

Techniques, Goals, and Benefits

Posting approach

Instead of worrying about the LinkedIn algorithm, we convince you be intentional about adding value by creating easy-to-read content pieces that are authentic, clear, and inspiring for people to engage.

Commenting approach

Instead of only reacting or quickly commenting with the flow, we provide concrete examples and tips to help you write a thoughtful comment with your perspective on the topic/issue that will feel professional, respectful, and civil at all times. 

Connecting approach

Instead of rushing the invitations, we teach you how to build good rapport with potential connections to increase your chance of acceptance as a better way to starting long standing business relationships.

Reading approach

Instead of viewing or skimming a post, we encourage you to become a stronger reader by reading to understand, seeing it like a story, and trusting the words of the authors as they are for a good first impression.

Researching approach

Instead of waiting to be discovered or counting on followers to find you, we train you to research about various topics and diverse professionals  to motivate you to further explore them as a way to uncover growth opportunities.

Profile approach

Instead of covering a complete LinkedIn profile makeover, we inspire you to make improvements in the areas that are often underutilized but are the most powerful to give visitors a memorable experience of who you truly are as a person and what you really do as a professional.

Course Prerequisites

Optional and helpful for creativity

Canva Account (free)  

Required to take course

LinkedIn Account (free)  

General understanding of


Good to be proficient

Internet Browsing
Internet Research

Willing to learn

LinkedIn Basic Navigation

Required for best learning experience

Commitment to
Doing the Work

  • Primary Instructor
    Katiya Xiong
  • Guest Instructors
    Seasonal rotation
  • Duration
    12 weeks (or at own pace)
  • Modules
    12 in-depth lesson packs
  • Videos
    11 concept (2-5 min)
  • Reading
    24 articles
  • Commenting
    24 assignments
  • Expressive Writing
    12 LinkedIn posts
  • LinkedIn Networking
    3 exercises
  • Playbook Template
  • Digital Headshot Makeover
  • Community Support
  • DEEP Designation
  • Affiliate Program
  • Reimbursement Form
    Share with HR

Season III 2024-25 Featured Guest Contributors

Colette Tracy

Diane Shikrallah

Ellakisha O'Kelley

Eric Fraser

Eric Miller

Fields Jackson

Gladwin Mendez

Hleeda Vang

Jay Fulcher

Jun Matsumoto

Nyasha Gwatidzo

Walter Akana

Course Content

This is a living and breathing course. The core purpose is to train you on 'expressive writing' which is all about accessing memories, emotions, and feelings that will help you to tell your story, voice, and messaging style. Our lessons are infused with the diverse content of various micro-influencers and we update the course materials regularly to keep the learning experience interesting. Remember that crafting and communicating content is a tool that can only help you to achieve joy, growth, and success on your own terms. 

"I can't teach you anything. I can only help you to explore yourself." ~ Bruce Lee
Earn a reward each time you complete a milestone.

Make Your LinkedIn Journey Worthwhile

     Unlock a token code to receive a personalized avatar (corporate headshot makeover) and feature it as your new profile picture or put it on your marketing pieces and everywhere else.

Unlock a token code to receive an elegant carousel presentation. Write your own script and share your expertise, thoughts, and ideas on a deck of slides with your growing network.

     Unlock a token code to receive a captioned video with musical background. Write your own short movie script and tell the world your stories and perspectives.
Unlock a creative playbook template to compile all 12 of your LinkedIn posts and feature it on your profile to tell professionals that you are more than your gifts and talents.

Make Your LinkedIn Journey Worthwhile

Earn a reward each time you complete a milestone.
     Unlock a token code to receive a personalized AVATAR (corporate headshot makeover) and feature it as your new profile picture or put it on your marketing pieces and everywhere else.


Unlock a token code to receive an elegant CAROUSEL presentation. Write your own script and share your expertise, thoughts, and ideas on a deck of slides with your growing network.


     Unlock a token code to receive a captioned VIDEO with musical background. Write your own short movie script and tell the world your stories and perspectives.


Unlock a creative PLAYBOOK template to compile all 12 of your LinkedIn posts and feature it on your profile to tell professionals that you are more than your gifts and talents.

Do Express Empathy Proactively

👉 Is there a 'mark' that the 99% and 1% can work towards and share under one world?

DEEP Coalition Hashtag


Join our LinkedIn discussion group called ‘Micro-Influencers in DC’ and ask questions about the modules and lessons, share your post perspectives and stories, and enjoy benefiting from the encouragement and wisdom of other learners and course graduates.

Follow our company page for important community updates. Use our hashtag on your LinkedIn posts for a chance to be featured in our monthly Deep Voices magazine where we strive to recognize the varying deep voices of ordinary and exraordinary people.
Write your awesome label here.

Opportunity to Co-Author Course

We believe that everyone has knowledge and wisdom to share and one way of doing that is to teach it. In our process to identify new course materials, we will consider the 'expressive writing posts' of our micro-influencer learners. Determination will be based on the thoughtfulness and authenticity in the message itself, rather than the job title, degree of education, work experience, LinkedIn algorithm, or network size. We regularly seek diverse content and encourage course graduates to submit their favorite piece to us for consideration!
This could be you teaching about how we can better practice humanity.
This could be you teaching about how we can see things and the world differently.
This could be you teaching about an awareness that needs more support.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a micro-influencer?

The general criteria or definition for a micro-influencer is a person with a network of 1,000 – 100,000 followers/connections, so an everyday person who stands out from the big dogs (celebrities and mega-influencers) because they (their brand/character/image) is trustworthy, genuine, and relateable. Micro-influencers typically take a more serious and intentional approach to engagement and networking with their audience. They try hard to inspire and influence every day whether there will be a monetary gain or not.

The outcome for having and hiring a team of micro-influencers can drive a deeper and more powerful impact than an influencer with 1M followers because of their passion to build relationships and be in the weeds with others. Today, any ordinary person can transform into a thought leader through micro-influencing.

What is expressive writing and how does it relate to wellness? 

Expressive writing is emotional writing. It is about being true to what is in your mind, heart, and soul. Expressive writing pays no attention to spelling, grammar, punctuation, or any other form of writing conventions. At the core of expressive writing are the feelings that you have about what happened or what is happening around you and in the world. Expressive writing is no different than storytelling. The experience of being fully immersed in expressive writing can feel like falling in love with 'who you are' over and over again. The more you write for/to yourself, the more confident you will be in communicating your thoughts, ideas, and opinions to colleagues, peers, clients, family, and friends. At the end of the day, expressive writing is a meaningful way to help you grow as a person and professional. There is value in developing a deep voice through expressive writing for all of us.

You are an existing learner... 

DEEP Coalition is thrilled to have you as a part of our "deep voices" community. Should you have questions on your micro-influencer journey, please refer to the top navigation bar for assistance or join our LinkedIn discussion group: Micro-Influencers in DC. We look forward to supporting your growth!

How long will I have access to this course?

The course can be completed in 12 weeks or your can go at your own pace for the 12 modules as we realize that not all schedules are equal. 

You are not a learner...

The micro-influencer training is provided by DEEP Coalition, a global movement committed to amplifying the voices of the ordinary with the extraordinary. To learn more, visit https://deepcoalition.com/ and share this with HR, Marketing, or Leadership at your organization to see how we can make this incredible learning experience a part of your team's growth.

If you are an organization...

Whether you are an employer, college, or association, we have tier subscription plans available to give everyone on your team access to our course. Learn more about sponsorship plans here: https://deepcoalition.com/sponsorship/

What People Say About The Instructor

Rohit B.

It's my pleasure to write a recommendation for Katiya Xiong, an exceptional influencer whose work I have had the pleasure of observing on LinkedIn. Katiya has a clear mission to be a voice of influence and her purpose to empower people is truly inspiring. Her approach to communication, using the CIA method (clear, intentional, and authentic), sets her apart and her posts are always thought-provoking and insightful. Her passion for connecting people and companies to achieve powerful results is evident in all of her work. I highly recommend Katiya to anyone seeking an influencer who is dedicated, knowledgeable, and truly makes a difference in the lives of those she reaches. She has a unique ability to connect with her audience and deliver messages that are both meaningful and impactful. Katiya is a talented and driven individual who is sure to make a lasting impact on all those she encounters. If you have the opportunity to work with her, I am sure you will be extremely happy with her work.

Lenwood R.

Katiya's mission is filled with purpose! It's a noble call to want to empower others to build community. Community is the most ancient of principles. Our human family is bound together, heart to heart, in our relationships. We're on the verge of a global revival based on this principle. I admire Katiya's courage and belief that one person can make an impact.

Derrick W.

I highly recommend Katiya Xiong, the founder of Deep Coalition, as an influencer and amazing artist. She is dedicated to helping people grow and connect to become the best version of themselves. Katiya's passion and creativity shines through in her work and she has a unique ability to connect with her audience. Her vision and drive to empower others make her an asset to any team or project. Katiya's skills, values and talent is an inspiration for all to follow.

Kobus K.

I highly recommend Katiya Xiong for any opportunity or doing business with that requires a creative, artistic and personable professional. Katiya is an exceptional individual who consistently goes above and beyond in her work and possesses a genuine and kind personality that makes her a pleasure to work with. She truly makes a difference in any project she is a part of, and I wholeheartedly endorse her for any opportunity that comes her way.

Diane S.

It has been my pleasure to attend a three-month LinkedIn tactical training program presented by Katiya Xiong. The networking social selling best practices she shared were very helpful to me. Each week her tips and ideas gave me more confidence to use LinkedIn as a networking tool to prospect and increase my client base. Katiya worked with me 1:1 providing me with valuable tips and advice on organizing my emails. Katiya is a wealth of knowledge, very professional, and is an excellent presenter. I learned so much from her and know if I need help with LinkedIn, emails, or organizing in general, she is the person I will go to. I’m so glad I met Katiya and consider her a friend now and one of the most dynamic and influential people I have met in a long time!

Julianne M.

When I asked Katiya who a micro-influencer is, she replied, “I’m someone who connects with others. Someone who builds relationships and connects people to each other.” Katiya is genuine, kind, a leader, someone who sees the big picture, someone who is full of joy. She cares about the big issues of this world like immigration, citizenship, bringing together CEOs who want to make a difference, helping people understand that their differences are what brings them together to make them the same. Most importantly, she understands the value she brings to the world and is not afraid to bring it to others. If you want to grow your network, or you just want to meet someone really worth knowing, Katiya is the person you want to meet.
Read her articles, watch her posts, follow her then connect!

Arthur T.

Katiya Xiong is a trusted mentor. She has a captivating personality and a compelling message to help change lives (your life) and the world. Since I’ve known her she has generously given her time and talents. She is a collaborator and an influencer. She is thoughtful, considerate, and compassionate. If you are seeking a thought leader, an artist and a strategic partner connect with Katiya. She is honest, trustworthy, understands people and business and has many talents and gifts to offer.

Christie T.

I met Katiya at a Conference where she was one of the speakers for the day. Her genuine personality and message filled the room and captured all attendees. She is a very talented artist, mother, friend, mentor, and life coach. I recommend her as a person to go to for any project you may want to venture into. Keep up your great work and contributions to all groups you work for.

Nathan D.

A huge thanks to Katiya Xiong for her three-month LinkedIn tactical training program. It provided details I had little insight/knowledge about with respect to the steps, tools, strategies, and ideas that would help me with my social networking and selling success. With her recommendations and guidance, I’ve seen a seemingly meteoric increase in engagement on my LinkedIn profile. She challenged me to grow my network of influencers, clients, and supporters and then helped me focus and understand how best and efficiently to accomplish those goals.

Ellakisha O.

My first impression of Katiya is that she is a magnificient channel for creativity. She is definitely walking out her purpose and it is benefiting everyone she comes into contact with directly and indirectly. I have not accepted one invite on LinkedIn to schedule a call, but there was something special about her energy, ease of connection, and professionalism that compelled me to converse (others take note). I'm glad I did. It was an insightful, genuine, and natural flowing conversation.
I look forward to what our connection will bring forth from here on out.

Armando P.

Though I’ve only known Katiya through my relatively new business relationship with her firm, her passion for excellence in every endeavor she takes on, is contagious and inspiring for lack of better words. These gifts are just the by-product of her inner self: She possesses a God-inspiring gift of love for all whom she meets, whether virtually or in person, a rare quality during these times and one whom our world is intrude need of. I encourage all reading this post and in need to express and brand themselves and their businesses, to reach out to her..sooner than later. Her talents will provide you and your firms with many intrinsic and extrinsic dividends for years to come.

Mauri P.

It is often the case that when you have something of value to share, it is usually hard to break thorough the steam of emails, social media etc.. Katiya Xiong's headshot sketches are one way to slow the scroll and tell your story. It is a combination of creativity and the enhanced humanity they convey that is drives greater engagement. She brings to her sketches a storytelling mindset, that comes through in the headshots. I requested a group of headshot sketches that were delivered ahead of schedule and where she proactively identified a better base photograph to work from. As you look for ways to expand your influence and use creativity to help tell your story, remember this possibility!

Dovid L.

Katiya is a person who really strives to understand other people. She is always interested in learning and teaching. We come from very different worlds, but we were able to find common ground and interest in learning about life. While many preach diversity, Katiya real listens to a diverse group of voices, respecting their opinions, and learning from them. If anyone truly wants to understand how to connect across all boundaries, Katiya will be awonderful guide.

Shelley J.

Katiya's professionalism, expertise, and responsiveness was far beyond my expectations. It's clear to me that she is passionate not only about her clients, but also in DEEP Coalition as a vehicle that helps leaders build successful careers and ventures. I'm so appreciative of her focus on delivering high quality solutions and inspired to keep building my business and client base.

Tiffany S.

"Upon introducing the “Deep Coalition” online magazine, Katiya was generous to ask her LinkedIn followers the question “What type of motorcycle she has owned or ridden?” Although I never met Katiya, from her stories shared in her magazine, I guessed the correct answer and won a free digital art for my profile picture. It was at this time that we started chatting virtually and forming a friendship. I write this recommendation to commend Katiya on her creative communication style to share philosophies about artwork, life, organizational development, and thought leadership. Katiya’s innovative storytelling draws the reader in, wanting to know more about the topic. Katiya, I am glad we are connected, and I hope one day we can meet in person! I look forward to future posts and your unique way of influencing and encouraging others to see things from another perspective and to “think deeper”.

Stephen E.

Katiya is a wonderful, upbeat person with a uniquely warm demeanor. She brands herself as someone who "lives deeply", and from the day we first connected, I could immediately sense that she practices what she preaches. She is brilliant in forging genuine, humanistic connections with anyone she comes across, and I have no doubt her empathic nature and interpersonal skills will make her a fantastic resource for anyone who is fortunate to collaborate with her. Make sure you get to know her. Her authenticity is an asset that will benefit any team and organization.

Rick C.

Not only a talented artist, Katiya is a free spirted and gifted communicator. She is a person I would highly recommend you connect with. 

Richard M.

Katiya is a kind soul genuinely interested in connecting on a deeper level with her network. She is always looking for ways to add value. Katiya is motivated and determined to help others pursue their purpose and reach their goals. I have watched her make many connections so happy with her awesome digital headshots. I am thrilled to be her friend and excited to watch her journey to make the world a better place.

Preston C.

Katiya's profile picture artwork is inspiring. Her imagery captures the reality and spirit of the person she illustrates, differentiating the rendering from a caricature cartoon to a warm and welcoming portrait that invites personal engagement. Katiya sees the humanness in people, and it shows in work.

Grier R.

Katiya is awesome. She's a very driven, motivated, talented individual who really wants to make a difference in this world. She creates amazing digital artwork that people feature on their social media profiles and websites. She is also a LinkedIn micro influencer who is teaching others how to be micro influencers on the platform with a course she has designed. She's a great person to connect with and follow and I'm sure anyone could benefit from her teachings.

Rachael B.

I don't know that I have ever met anyone as multi-talented and multi-passionate as Katiya. She is a brilliant communicator, connector, and educator. She is generous with her time and her many gifts. I'm always delighted when I have the opportunity to collaborate with her.

Clarence E.

Katiya is a voice that carries creativity, strength and hope. A talented artist, she is able to convey and amplify emotions & messages, through her art. Currently she is with Deep Coalition, a company that has a unique approach to a very human goal. I am sure Katiya's aim of bridging the humanity between employers, employees, and everyone inbetween, is a dream for the not too distant future.

Yeo Chee M.

I have followed Katiya on social media for awhile now. I found her works to be authentic with profound thoughts. Followers in her circle can resonate most of her writings. Her response to comments were sincere, thought provoking and inspirational. Katiya constantly add values to the peoples around her. It was a joy following her posts especially in LinkedIn to draw insights and inspirations both in life and work situation. Katiya indeed make a good leadership influencer.

Shannon C.

Katiya is a talented and thoughtful artist. I started following her after working with her and it’s been wonderful to continue seeing her influence on LinkedIn.

Udi K.

I noticed Katiya through the comic-art pieces she frequently shared. Her unique name and creative style caught my attention and inspired me to reach out to her. Katiya has a unique and interesting background that seems to drive her to approach things differently than others in her millennial generation. She is a grounded individual with a forward-thinking attitude and is both empathetic and imaginative while also being market-oriented and precise. If you want your business to push boundaries and achieve new levels of success, I highly recommend considering Katya. You won't be disappointed with my recommendation.

Erie J.

Katiya's dedication to influence her network and beyond is evident by her consistent and genuine delivery of insight and help to others. I recommend Katiya because I believe in her mission and she continues to demonstrate her beliefs in her work by helping others connect. I admire her artistry and online persona. Katiya is a leader in action and compels me to work better to emulate her true desire to know her connections and make a difference now and decades into the future. Have a conversation with Katiya if you are looking for a clear, intentional, and authentic way to get the results you and your company are looking for.

Pramod S.

It's over six months back that me and Katiya connected on LinkedIn. Since then we have been exchanging notes on professional matters. I have no reservation in saying that she truly lives deeply, as her hashtag reads. The sincerity, depth and conviction in what she says and does, is there for everyone to see. I wish her greater success in her mission to good to the society.

Claudeth F.

I meet with Katiya, not long ago. I was so impressed by her open-mindedness. Her quest to hear and include diverse voices and thoughts. I was moved by her insights and blown away by her creativity and graciousness. I highly recommend Katiya for diversity, inclusion, creativity and as an influencer.

Colette T.

Katiya is a pleasure to know and I am very honored to be connected with her. She has a true love for people of all backgrounds. She is a part of the generation that is going to change the world with love, reverence, and empathy for those from all walks of life. She is an artist first and foremost and uses her gifts to express and give voice to others with the goal of creating true unity.

Emille B.

Katiya's vision and implementation are world-class. Why? Because she thoughtfully considers the effect of her work before she starts it. Whether in her communication with the public as an influencer or as a peer, she consistently sees the world compassionately and strategically. That combination is rare to find, as she applies humane thinking as part of how she does her business. She is working on making the world a better place to work and live by teaching micro-influencers how to listen and strive for a clear and unique voice. However, she doesn't teach engagement at any cost, quite the opposite. She teaches how to engage an audience to create a relationship that is mutually beneficial. Mutuality is a cornerstone of how she thinks and does business and it is one of the reasons I enthusiastically recommend her. If you need a thought leader, a teacher in human-centered social media or someone who understands the time-consuming but deeply rewarding effort of building an effective and vibrant network (community) with a voice that resonates with heart and soul of an individual, call on Katiya. (Oh, and your business will prosper too!)
Write your awesome label here.
I am an ordinarily extraordinary person who sees people as equals and strives to connect with everyone at the human level.

The Artist

My vision is to live deeply. My mission is to be the voice that influences people and companies to connect for powerful results.

The Influencer

Bring content value to 1 million people on LinkedIn using a human-centered and strategic approach.

The Teacher

Train 1 million people to become the kind of influencer who is moved to do impact according to who they are.

The Entrepreneur

Collaborate with 10,000 CEOs to bring good work and truth to the world.

The Advisor

Motivate 100,000 financial planning professionals to protect 1 million families from the impact of sudden disability which can happen to any of us at any time.

The Speaker

Share my perspective to inspire people to think differently no matter the income class, career pathway, or education level.